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Provacare® Vaginal Care

Treat Your Yeast Infection & Bacterial Vaginosis Naturally.

  • bullet pointCLINICALLY PROVEN: Effectively treats and prevents both vaginal yeast and bacterial infections.
  • bullet pointPATENTED LCR REGENERANS: Unique strain of Lactobacillus Casei Rhamnosus (LCR) with prebiotic, probiotic, and eubiotic components.
  • bullet pointRESTORES BALANCE: Alleviates symptoms like burning, dryness, and excessive discharge to help restore natural vaginal flora.
  • bullet pointNATURAL 7-DAY TREATMENT: Convenient Natural 7-day treatment designed to help restore vaginal health.
  • bullet pointHELPS PREVENT RECURRENCE: Helps maintain a healthy vaginal ecosystem to prevent future infections.

Provacare® helps to optimize feminine health, while respecting the natural function of the female body.

Provacare® Probiotic Vaginal Care

Provacare® Probiotic Vaginal Care

Provacare® Naturally Treats & Prevents Vaginal Yeast and Bacterial Infections.